Last updated: Mar 7th, 2018


Use this documentation to generate redirect links to our booking engine


There are two types of search links to be generated

  • Location
  • Hotel
  • Transfers

Hotel Availability by Location

1. Description

Use this in order to generate a link for hotel availability based on a location

2. Link Components

The link to be generated is in the following form


The link is formed from the following components

Field Description
BookingEngingURL Your onetourismo name
languageCode One of the following: el, en
checkInDate Checkin date with the following format "ΥΥΥΥ-ΜΜ-DD"
checkOutDate Checkout date with the following format "ΥΥΥΥ-ΜΜ-DD"
destinationName Destination name as returned from the autocomplete url
destinationCode Destination code as returned from the autocomplete url (otag_id field)
searchString A search string generated as described below

3. Generate Link

In order to generate the searchString you need to create the following javascript object

    "rooms": [{
        "adults": Integer,
        "children": Integer,
        "childrenAges": [Integer],
        "quantity": Integer
    "searchOnRequestRooms": Boolean,
    "stars": {
        "min": Integer, 
        "max": Integer

Then with the use of the RisonJS javascript library we convert the afforementioned object to a url-friendly string

4. Example

For the following data

Field Value
languageCode en
checkInDate 2018-09-01
checkOutDate 2018-09-05
destinationName Athens & Coast
destinationCode O1000000031
As well as the following searchString

    "rooms": [{
        "adults": 2,
        "children": 0,
        "childrenAges": [],
        "quantity": 1
    "searchOnRequestRooms": true,
    "stars": {
        "min": 5, 
        "max": 0

The following string is generated!((adults:2,children:0,childrenAges:!(),quantity:1)),searchOnRequestRooms:!t,stars:(max:5,min:0))


Hotel Availability by Hotel

1. Description

Use this in order to generate a link for hotel availability based on a hotel

2. Link Components

The link to be generated is in the following form


The link is formed from the following components

Field Description
BookingEngingURL Your onetourismo name
hotelCode The hotel code
checkInDate Checkin date with the following format "ΥΥΥΥ-ΜΜ-DD"
checkOutDate Checkout date with the following format "ΥΥΥΥ-ΜΜ-DD"
Search String A string generated as described below

3. Generate Link

In order to generate the searchString you need to create the following javascript object

{rooms : [{
    "adults": Integer,
    "children": Integer,
    "childrenAges": [Integer],
    "quantity": Integer

Then with the use of the RisonJS javascript library we convert the afforementioned object to a url-friendly string

4. Example

For the following data

Field Value
languageCode en
hotelCode OT-PROP-A-10247
checkInDate 2020-11-01
checkOutDate 2020-11-05
As well as the following search-string

{rooms : [{
    "adults": 2,
    "children": 0,
    "childrenAges": [],
    "quantity": 1

The following string is generated,rooms:!((adults:2,children:0,childrenAges:!(),quantity:1)))


5. Other Options

No Details on Redirection Page

Given that the most common scenario is that you include this form on a page including all the available information of a hotel, you may want not to show susch information on the booking engine page that the user will be redirected. In order to achieve that, you could add a field with key hideDetails and value true on the search string (alongside lang and rooms variables). For example

    rooms : [{
        "adults": 2,
        "children": 0,
        "childrenAges": [],
        "quantity": 1

Redirect without dates

Another option is to redirect to the booking engines' hotel page without presetting the check-in and checkou-out dates. To do that you can just use "tba" as the value of checkInDate and checkOutDate variables in order to produce a url like the following one,rooms:!((adults:2,children:0,childrenAges:!(),quantity:1)))



1. Description

Use this in order to generate a link for transfers availability

2. Link Components

The link to be generated is in the following form

The link is formed from the following components

Field Description
BookingEngingURL Your onetourismo name
departureDateTime Departure date and time with the following format "ΥΥΥΥ-ΜΜ-DD|HH:mm"
returnDateTime Return date and time with the following format "ΥΥΥΥ-ΜΜ-DD|HH:mm", or "oneway" if it is a oneway transfer
fromLocationCode Location pickup code as returned from the autocomplete url (otag_id field)
toLocationCode Destination location code as returned from the autocomplete url (otag_id field)
numberOfAdults Number of Adults
numberOfChildren Number of Children
childrenAges Children ages seperated by ~

3. Example

For the following data

Field Value
departureDateTime 2018-09-01|10:00
returnDateTime 2018-09-05|10:00
fromLocationCode O1234
toLocationCode O1236
numberOfAdults 1
numberOfChildren 2
childrenAges 3~5

The following link is generated|10:00/2018-09-05|10:00/O1234/O1236/1/2/3~5

In the case there is no return date the following link is generated|10:00/oneway/O1234/O1236/1/2/3~5